Have you ever had an alcoholic beverage be so strongly linked to a memory of a time or a place? Maybe don’t answer that… haha. One example I can remember is sipping Pimms in London–oh happy days. So when this summer rolled around, I decided that I wanted to have a dedicated drink of the season, and I chose rosé. Here is my little photo diary in honor of summer 2017 and also a run down of how much of my summer bucket list I accomplished.

As far as my summer bucket list goes, I managed to accomplish about 50% of it. We did attend the dog surfing competition–so cute and so fun–as well as going to the Del Mar Horse Races, hanging at the beach a fair bit, seeing 2 Padres games, hiking somewhere new, and going stand up paddle boarding! We failed to party at a rooftop bar, attend KAABOO (it hasn’t happened yet but I don’t think we’ll go), or sail around the bay on a catamaran (but we did that last summer). I’m definitely happy with what we accomplished and can’t wait for more adventures.

Heading into fall, things are looking quite busy. We just wrapped up a mountain escape weekend (is Labor Day considered summer or fall?). Then we have a trip to two cities on the east coast (one brand new for both of us and one a repeat favorite), a trip to Miami, hopefully a new hike or two, and maybe our first camping trip. I also have a girls weekend in LA very soon, so fall is shaping up to be travel-filled and fun!
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