Welcome to On•the•Move Musings: a weekly-update-series where I reflect on my time exploring the globe; a place to record all the little details from travel that, despite being so special, my pigeon brain could likely forget; a space to show gratitude for where life’s daydreams have taken me; a few moments to stop and write…
Category: Lifestyle
On•the•Move Musings: 11/29/19
Welcome to On•the•Move Musings: a weekly-update-series where I reflect on my time exploring the globe; a place to record all the little details from travel that, despite being so special, my pigeon brain will likely forget; a space to show gratitude for where life’s daydreams have taken me; a few moments to stop and write…
How to Best Follow my Travel Adventure
I can’t believe this trip is actually happening! Like I mentioned in previous posts, I plan on writing weekly updates in addition to any other blog posts I feel inspired to share. Usually, I link my content to Facebook so you can view it from there, but now that I’ll be posting a lot more…
Notes on Leaving Something Good to Follow a Dream
Leaving something bad is hard; leaving something good is even harder. Last week I posted about why I want to say no to a lot of things most people say yes to, at least for a little while. The words here are a sort of continuation to that blog. If you’d like to read it…
Notes on Quitting a Job to Travel: What Saying No To Would Mean Saying Yes To
After listening to a Dear Sugar Radio podcast, I felt inspired to reflect on the subject of saying no. It’s so hard in our society to say no, especially for women. I’ve been grappling with this topic in the context of leaving a stable job to travel long term and what that would mean. Does saying no…
Notes on Decluttering
Let me just start by saying I hate cleaning. When we moved into our quite small one bedroom apartment which in reality doesn’t take that long to clean, I set up an appointment with Merry Maids to see how much it would cost to have someone do it for us. Turns out our apartment was…
Blogiversary #3 and a New Year
As of September 2018 I have been doing this blog for three years! It’s crazy to think about, and I’m so glad I’ve stuck with it. The blogiversary post is a little late this year because I wanted to time it with the reveal of my new logo, but that’s taking longer than expected and…
Hello 2018: My Daydreams & Travel Goals
Happy New Year everyone! We all get another chance to reflect on the past, plan for the future, and make room for new goals. In 2017 I tried to do a trip-a-month, but this year’s travel goals will be quite different. New year new you right? (See if I accomplished last year’s goals here…I also…