If you find yourself here, on my travel blog, then you probably know that I love to travel. I’m sure you’re also more than aware of the global pandemic that shut down the travel industry seemingly overnight in March 2020. When that happened and the world trip that I quit my job for was canceled, I didn’t let myself think about travel (I’m guessing as a form of self-preservation).
Since then, I haven’t gotten to do the thing that inspires me the most, brings me the most joy, makes me feel the most like myself. I’ve rarely even let myself daydream because I knew in my heart I wouldn’t go anywhere, even though it was tempting when places like Croatia and Belize were letting Americans in and I had put aside time and money for the sole purpose of traveling. But I couldn’t in good conscious risk my health or the health of others for selfish reasons, so I stayed put and put my dreams on hold.
In the past 10 months, I’ve barely done anything because I felt doing nothing and staying home was the right thing to do. Traveling is my passion, but I set aside my desires in an attempt to keep the world slightly safer. That being said, I’m still human, and I jumped on the chance to check something off my bucket list that I thought could be done safely–driving the coast of central California through Big Sur.
This mini trip in June 2020 was more revitalizing than I ever could have imagined. Getting out into the beauty of the world after so much darkness and anxiety was much needed after 3 months of total lockdown. I haven’t done anything since, besides a few hikes in the dunes of Lake Michigan, so this road trip has had to sustain my travel-loving soul for over 7 months! I never go that long without some sort of adventure. (As a side note I wanted to mention that I can’t personally complain about 2020 because it was still a really good year for me, despite a canceled world trip, all the negative circumstances, and horrible things that happened in the US.)
I’m extra thankful and appreciative for my time driving through Monterey and Big Sur, and I bet gratitude will be in full force when I’m able to travel again (hopefully soon since I’ve already had my first dose of vaccine). I can’t wait to share future trips on here, and I have some exciting ideas for 2021 if it’s safe. In the mean time, I realized I hadn’t shared many photos from this Big Sur road trip and wanted to finally do that!
The weekend started in Monterey, and we escaped the crowds on Cannery Row to stroll along the coastal path in Pacific Grove. I loved looking at all the cute houses, wondering about the people who live in them, what they do for work, what it’s like to live there, etc. I especially love when houses are built around trees, like this gorgeous blue one.

I was so happy to be out in the ocean air, exploring somewhere completely new. Fresh air and no crowds of people helped soothe the worry I had about emerging into the world after a very long lock down.

It seemed like I had almost forgotten how much I love nature and being able to photograph something beautiful.

I never get over views like this.

Golden hour in Monterey.

The next day started with 17-mile drive in Monterey which was more stunning that I ever expected. I could spend days enjoying the different areas here.

Then we headed south to Big Sur and came across the famous Bixby Bridge.

Even though we couldn’t do any hikes because everything was closed due to Covid, the driving views were still breathtaking.

Up next was a quick stop at Morro Bay to see this huge rock.

Then we had to see the windmills in Solvang.

The final stop was Santa Barbara, a place I’d been to a couple times already but seems to get prettier each visit.

Going through these memories reminds me how much fun I had. I was running on a high from this trip for days and weeks afterwards. That’s the power of travel, even something quick and local. California people are lucky to have this beauty in their backyards that’s for sure!
Where are you most excited to visit once it’s safe to travel again??